Shilpa Shetty made her web series debut with Rohit Shetty’s thriller series, Indian Police Force. The actress played the role of the first female police officer in the cop-verse and received widespread acclaim for the portrayal of ATS Chief Tara Shetty. Shilpa Shetty pulled off the challenging role with sheer dedication and ease, with intense practice, perseverance, and perspiration. As the Indian Police Force completes a year since its release on the OTT space, Shilpa Shetty opened up about being a part of Rohit Shetty’s cop-verse, playing the role of a police officer and everything in between.
Shilpa Shetty calls Indian Police Force ode to police force as Rohit Shetty-directorial show turns 1: “It was worth the pain and sweat”
“It’s been a year since the Indian Police Force was released, and it makes me realize that time flies by so fast. It feels like yesterday when I was training for my role. I remember the sheer pride of playing the part of an ATS chief, Tara Shetty will always be special. I enjoyed the action needed prep to pull off those stunts. It was worth the pain and sweat. It was an amazing experience to be a part of Rohit Shettys cop verse and work alongside some amazing actors. I am grateful to the audience for showering immense love and appreciation towards the series, and I’m beyond glad to have had the opportunity to pay an ode to our police force,” shared Shilpa Shetty.
Shilpa Shetty, who added depth to the intriguing plot, played the lead alongside Siddharth Malhotra and Vivek Oberoi. Shilpa’s commitment to her character not only elevated the storyline but also added depth to the evolving landscape of Indian cinema.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty Kundra opens up on her decision to not pursue a career in Hollywood: “I don’t have the patience to start as a newcomer”
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