Tamil Nadu’s Shahrukh Khan has been entrusted with the captain’s armband for the upcoming Syed Mushtaq Ali tournament. The batter, who has been a successful skipper in the Tamil Nadu Premier League over the years, says it is an honour to lead the State side.
“It’s my first time as a captain for Tamil Nadu. I have led in the TNPL for several years, and now (I am leading) Tamil Nadu — it is a new thing for me. Obviously, captaining a State team is a privilege,” Shahrukh told Sportstar minutes after TN’s innings win over Railways in a Ranji Trophy match at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Saturday.
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Shahrukh added that he was taking the challenge one step at a time as the domestic red-ball season makes way for white-ball fixtures till late January.
“I haven’t thought about anything because the tournament starts in a week (November 23). So, I’ll start thinking tonight or tomorrow about what to do. I don’t work that way by giving anything too much thought. I think at the right place and at the right time and that is much more important,” Shahrukh added.